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Volunteer Position Available
President of the National Policy Committee 

The Policy Committee is responsible for defining the Party’s political orientations through consultations with members at all levels and in collaboration with the parliamentary wing and the Party Leader. Click here to learn more.

Application deadline: Monday, May 10th, 2021, at 5 pm.


N.B.: Our open and rigorous process for finding talent encourages gender parity in all of the Party’s bodies.

President of the National Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is responsible for defining the Party’s political orientations through consultations with members at all levels and in collaboration with the parliamentary wing and the Party Leader. It is made up of presidents from regional policy commissions and general representation members (representatives from permanent commissions and ad hoc members). Among others, it ensures the preparation of the content which serves as the basis for discussions during Party events, such as the Members’ Convention and the General Council.

The mandate:

  • Work to prepare the political program and electoral platform by consulting members at all levels and by collaborating with the parliamentary wing and the Party Leader;

  • Ensure follow-ups to political resolutions passed in the various bodies within the Party;

  • Support the regional councils in their preparations for regional conventions;

  • Ensure follow-ups on electoral commitments when the Party forms a government.

Profil recherché :

  • Personne dynamique, possédant de l’entregent, organisée, aimant les gens et à l’aise de prendre la parole en public;

  • Passion pour la politique québécoise et adhésion aux valeurs fondamentales du PLQ;

  • Grand enthousiasme envers la sollicitation et la mobilisation de militants;


  • Familiarité avec les outils numériques tels que Zoom (ou l’équivalent), Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, etc;


  • Compétences analytiques en analyse des résultats électoraux et familiarité avec des outils tels qu’Excel;

  • Posséder un permis de conduire valide;


  • Autres tâches, au besoin.

Profile required:

  • Have good knowledge of the Party, its culture and its structure, for example by having held one of the following positions: President of a riding association, member of a regional policy committee, actively involved member within a permanent commission or regional council;

  • Be readily available;

  • Possess strong aptitudes for teamwork, delegating tasks and to mobilizing others;

  • Demonstrate interest in public policy;

  • Possess a strategic vision;

  • Possess good writing skills.

En savoir plus
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